Meet Abe, he's a dinosaur (I think) that can fly, use social media, and e-mail like a boss! Abe has somehow traveled to the present day in order to show us things from the past. 

This sounds like the beginning of a horrible abc family movie right? I mean who wants to relive the past? No one in their right mind wants to go back to high school, except for the part where your parents pay for nearly everything. I digress.... anyways Abe is the fun little mascot for a newish app called "timehop." This app allows you to connect various social media accounts and generates a daily update based on what you posted on that date in the past. 

I've been using this for probably about a month and it's almost comical to see what I put on Facebook 6 years ago! Life was so dramatic at 16. This should probably be mandatory for children so that when they decide to like their parents again and deny ever being an emotional teenager we can just pull up their app and give them a daily reminder of how "fun" they were. ;)

What would really make this app are two things: 

1. If it could incorporate MySpace. Can you imagine if it showed what your oh-so-cool playlist was, who your "top friends" were, or what emo bulletin post you made each day? I'd get quite the kick out of that. 
2. If it could remember my myspace account info so I could connect it. 
**BONUS** Xanga, the OG of social media.

Anyways, this app is 100% fun and free. So if you're like me and enjoy laughing at the old you, download it and start time traveling. If you figure out how to know what you're going to post in the future, please enlighten the rest of us!

Until next time...

I mentioned the other day that Bryan has been working on something exciting recently, and it's finally here!

Thunder Trends launched last night. What is Thunder Trends you ask? It's a website with awesome t-shirt's for sale that support the Thunder/OKC. The designs will rotate on a regular basis, and when the campaign is over the shirts are over, so don't miss out!

Currently orders are being taken for the three designs above. They are $15 each which includes shipping. So you can thunder up without breaking down. These designs are available for a very limited time. Orders will be taken through April 14th, and will ship by the 19th. So you will receive them just in time for the playoffs!

A big thanks to our friends over at Oklahoma Shirt Company for helping us make this happen!

Join Team Trends today, go check out and order your shirt before they're gone!
Think you've got what it takes to be Trendy? Contact us about designing future shirts. ([email protected])

Until next time...

I promised I wouldn't be lazy again and I was. :(

We've been having lots of fun around here lately. Izzy started soccer last weekend and loved it. Elly is rolling all over the place and now she's starting to sit up by herself a little bit. Bryan's been busy with soccer, work, and a new exciting project I'll announce on here soon! And I've been along for the ride; booking some shoots (new photography blog post tomorrow) and enjoying being around my sweet family.

Also recently the 18 days of Taylor have started. While this sounds completely narcissistic it's actually Bryan's fun way to celebrate my birthday. We won't go into why he's doing so much for me but it might involve the words golf trip. ;)

But seriously it's so sweet and the gifts aren't big expensive things (at least I hope not.) so far I've opened some cute sunglasses and some awesome orange shoes I've been coveting from Target. It's just sweet and makes me excited to be thought of everyday for a couple of weeks. Way to go B Ket!

In other news, it was announced yesterday that "Finding Dory" the sequel to "Finding Nemo" will be coming out.... In November 2015. Bummer that it's taking so long but totally worth the wait. And how crazy is this, when it releases Izzy will be 7 and Elly will be 3?! Yet another reminder of how I can't stop my girls from growing up.

Well that's the short version of life as of late. I hope my readers are still out there and enjoying this!

Until next time...

Hi friends! It's been too long since my last post. The Ketron's have been busy busy busy with lots of exciting things going on. 

Since my last update we have survived not one but TWO snowpocalypse's (that's Okie talk for a single snowflake touching the earth.) I must say I was pretty convinced the second storm was going to turn our neighborhood into a winter wonderland. There was a full week of tv coverage preparing us for the end of life as we know it. All day on doomsday it was weather non-stop.... which is appreciated until we get a whole 1 millimeter of snow instead of 2-4 inches. While disappointing this is not unusual for Oklahoma. Our unofficial state motto is "if you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes... it will change."

Recently my mom and I took Izzy to see Choctaw High School's production of Beauty and the Beast. I love going back to my old school to see their musicals. They really do get better every year, and this was by far the best I've seen! I was so excited to take Izzy for the first time, but was also nervous. Even though she loves the movie she's still a wiggle worm and likes to provide commentary about what she's seeing/doing. We made sure to tell her what was expected of her and how much fun we were going to have. She couldn't wait to go. Once we got into the big theatre she started to get a little uneasy, but as soon as the show opened with all the bright colors and familiar music she was a little less anxious. And then she saw Belle. I wish I could explain the excitement that gave her! We still struggled with being still and quiet, but she was truly captivated by the performance. In her words "it was so amazing!" 

Elly has had some new experiences recently as well. She has learned to roll from her back to stomach, and just yesterday rolled from her stomach to her back. I was thrilled to see her doing some tummy time because it's been a real struggle for her since she has acid reflux. She's also been sleeping so much better night! We were down to only one wake up but now she'll sleep for anywhere from 8.5-12 hours a night. Bryan and I are glad to be out of the sleepless nights stage, although I probably just jinxed us! And lastly, we took Elly to the zoo for the first time this week. She slept most of the time but the rest of us had fun and she got a little purple monkey out of the deal! 

So that's what we've been up to! I'll do my best to not go on a hiatus again, and hopefully I'll have something interesting to write about again soon. 

Until next time...

I feel like I need to start off by saying that the title of this blog has nothing to do with the content other than it has the word "games" in it, and Bryan and I quote Backstreet songs to each other on the reg. That being said this could quite possibly be my most ridiculous/nerdy post to date. But I think the male readers will thank me for this one.

Ladies, do your men love to play video games? Does it drive you absolutely crazy? Do you dread the release of any new game? You are not alone my friends. 

When Bryan and I started dating he was a 20-year-old college student living with 4 other 20-year-old guys in the not-so-exciting town of Stillwater Oklahoma. If you don't know anything about Stillwater, you're not missing out (aside from some really great people have lived there.) Because OSU was not close to where I lived Bryan and I would mainly see each other on the weekends. I quickly learned that a weekend for college guys were a great excuse to amp up the xbox time. 

I have to admit, I didn't understand how guys could play video games so often and not get bored. That is until I decided to give them a try. We'd play on occasion together and it wasn't too terrible. Fast forward 4 years and the gaming time has significantly decreased but you can never take away that instinct for a guy.

Every year there are two days that I don't look forward to: The release of the NBA 2Kwhatever, and Call of Duty. I know these days mean a few weeks of some extra play time. I've always played games with Bryan here and there, but this year we took it to a whole new level. 

After Bryan waited an eternity, in his mind, for the new Call of Duty game he finally got it on Christmas. I'm not sure if was the lack of sleep from having a newborn or a moment of insanity but I started playing with him and couldn't stop. We made it a semi-nightly routine to play a few games to unwind after the girls went to sleep if we didn't have anything on the DVR. I have to admit, it's been fun. So much fun that we sank to an even lower level and he got me my own gamer tag. If you don't know what a gamer tag is be glad, you don't want to know, much less have one! 

Now Bryan and I still play at night, and I've gotten slightly okay at it. I used to be so annoyed with video games, but now it's a fun, stress-free way for us to decompress, have fun together, and talk about our day. Not something I want to do every single day, but I'm not so repulsed by the release of a new game anymore. 

I think it's really important to have fun in your marriage/relationship and do things that you might not normally do that your partner is interested in. For some people that may be playing video games, watching shows that you're not crazy about (ours was The Ultimate Fighter but now I'm hooked on that!) going shopping, exercising together, cooking, etc. Whatever it is take some time and do it with them even if you'd rather be doing anything else on the face of the planet. It may not become your new favorite hobby, but it's a great and easy way to make your spouse feel special.

What's something that your significant other does that you don't get super excited about? Have you tried to join them in that activity? Did you like it and will you do it again? Sound off in the comments section.

Until next time....
