I mentioned the other day that Bryan has been working on something exciting recently, and it's finally here!

Thunder Trends launched last night. What is Thunder Trends you ask? It's a website with awesome t-shirt's for sale that support the Thunder/OKC. The designs will rotate on a regular basis, and when the campaign is over the shirts are over, so don't miss out!

Currently orders are being taken for the three designs above. They are $15 each which includes shipping. So you can thunder up without breaking down. These designs are available for a very limited time. Orders will be taken through April 14th, and will ship by the 19th. So you will receive them just in time for the playoffs!

A big thanks to our friends over at Oklahoma Shirt Company for helping us make this happen!

Join Team Trends today, go check out www.thundertrends.com and order your shirt before they're gone!
Think you've got what it takes to be Trendy? Contact us about designing future shirts. ([email protected])

Until next time...

Well folks it's Friday, cue Rebecca Black, and because I don't feel like cleaning and both girls are in bed (or at least trying to be in bed) I'm going to do my first recap of the week's reality shows! Caution the amount and quality of reality television that I watch is probably unhealthy... don't judge. 

Let's start with The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I'll ask the question I'm sure every one is thinking. What did Brandi say about Adrienne?! I mean really, what is so bad that you're willing to start a lawsuit about it? Also I need to note that I am Team Kyle. I always have that one person who's my favorite and for Beverly Hills it's Kyle... and Lisa, mainly because I've always wanted an British accent. I feel like they both try to be the voice of reason and are definitely the most level headed. Well as level headed as gagillionaires can be. 

I know 80% of this is staged, but I like to pretend that all these people really hang out and make a scene in public every other day. And can we talk about Yolanda's fridge for second? Holy cow that thing is crazy! Who thinks of the things these people put in their houses? This week I loved that Mauricio finally spoke up about how dumb this Brandi/Adrienne thing is. I'm surprised it took so long since they ruined his work event. I would have put in my two cents a long time ago. And last but not least, did anyone else find Taylor, Brandi, and Camille a little creepy at the dinner? They're pep-talk about being single and 40 was just odd. You live in Beverly Hills how hard can life be?

Up Next, The Bachelor. I promised myself I was done after Emily, but I think Sean is just the sweetest thing and I'm really not sure how he's single. Does he never leave his house? Is he Catfishing us and he's actually a robot controlled by a 900lbs. woman that lives with her 87 cats? Speaking of Catfish, I really think Manti Te'o knew his girlfriend was fake a long time ago.. just saying. Anyways, while I think the Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise is pretty trashy I can't help but watch. I know it can work, very rarely, but it's almost guaranteed that the couple won't last and why are we surprised? They spend a few weeks together with cameras around the whole time and are forced to propose talk about pressure!

 I'm also not sure why so many crazy people are let on there and why the producers don't warn them once the psychosis appears. I know it makes for great tv, but I want a love story! Am I right America? This year we have Tierra and apparently Amanda vying for the crazy slot, I also feel like Desiree could end up on this boat. As for my favorites, I like Sarah and Kacie, mainly because they seem to be the most normal and I like their stories. Ya know, exactly what ABC wants us to do. I really enjoyed Sarah and Sean's date and I like that he doesn't seem to be bothered by her having one arm. Way to go Sean! Kacie is just fun to me and I feel like she came there for the right reason so hopefully they can stay out of the friendzone. 

This is probably Bryan's favorite... Teen Mom 2. I have to say I like the original girls better, but this is what we're left with. A few things from this week: 1. How sad was it that Chelsea's dog died? Yes it should have been on a leash but I can't imagine seeing one of my pups being attacked. :( 2. I'm glad Leah didn't fall for Corey's trap. I really wanted them to work out in the beginning but his reasoning for coming back around was only because he saw how happy she is. Spoiler alert, because this season was filmed so long ago we now know that Leah married Jeremy and it seems like they all get along so good for them. (I am still holding out for Maci and Ryan to get back together though.) 

3. Man Kailyn makes me sad. I can't imagine not having your mom around. As a girl your mom is your best friend and from what they've said she's always been more interested in her boyfriends than Kailyn which is sad. I sure hope they can work things out. 4. Janelle..... she makes my blood boil, but we won't get into that. How many times can this girl move?! I've stopped counting now and next week they show her friend moving out. Hey Janelle find the common denominator of your issues and for the sake of your cute little boy get some help. 

Bryan's second favorite, Dance Moms! Okay this show is getting waaay too fake. Obviously the only reason Abby can get all these great dancers to come to her studio is because everyone knows who she is and that they'll be on TV if they do. Why else would parents drag their children across the country to audition for her? I am glad to see that Maddie has a little bit of competition though, she's sweet but I do want to see someone else win. I love Chloe and always feel so bad for how Abby treats her and this week was no exception, she was totally set up to fail. As for the mom's I think Holly is the bees knees. I think she handles almost every situation perfectly, she should run for president! Holly 2016!!

This isn't a reality show but how awesome was Grey's Anatomy this week? I LOVE that they are getting back to their roots of being funny with the right balance of seriousness. It was so depressing for awhile, hopefully this season won't end with some extremely unlikely tragedy. I was pretty much boohooing when Mark died, so I can't handle any more. I'm glad Meredith finally told everyone she's pregnant and I hope this one works out! I'm also happy that Owen and Christina are getting along but I wish they were still married... maybe they'll get re-married? Who knows. And how about McDreamy's ping pong skills? Hopefully he'll be operating soon and the rumors of him leaving the show aren't true! Not much to say about Grey's other than I'm happy they're heading in a more fun direction even though I'm sure it will be depressing again soon enough. 

Well friends, that's all I've got. The Thunder is on and it's getting close. My boys need me! 

Thunder Up
Taylor Out!
Hey everyone, it's been awhile! A lot's been going on in our lives that's made updating the blog hard the past few days. But take heart I will be back to blogging on the reg by this weekend!

So the other day I was at my parents and I asked my mom what my next blog should be about. She didn't have any suggestions but someone did. Can you guess who? Indeed it was Izzy, she has an opinion on just about everything. She suggested I "write about a picture of me and daddy." A lot of Izzy ideas are a little out there but this one was great! 

So this one's for you Boogie....

First of all I have to give credit to Michelle Meisner for this picture, she's incredible! I feel like it perfectly captures the essence of Bryan and Izzy's relationship. They are literally two peas in a pod. Bryan has that perfect balance of the good cop and bad cop that (usually) goes well with Izzy's very goofy/very sensitive personality. I say usually because while he is a great girl daddy he grew up with only brothers and still doesn't fully understand that sometimes girls are emotional and don't feel like joking. But she quickly forgives him and they're back to being best friends in no time. She is very routine oriented while he is more spontaneous which is great because it helps Izzy get out of her comfort zone and helps Bryan to have a little more structure sometimes. I could go on and on about the characteristics that make them such a great pair. But the bottom line is she thinks he hung the moon so there's not much wrong he can do in her book.

One of my favorite things about them is this:
Izzy goes to daycare at Bryan's work so she rides there with him everyday, which I'm convinced is where she truly learns how to be goofy. She also learns some tough lessons in the car such as how she's way too old to be having accidents and that getting sent to the office at school is not okay. But may favorite lesson that she's been learning since day 1 is how and why to pray. Soon after Elly was born she had a tough time adjusting while at school and so Bryan started praying with her on the way to school. Which now, because school and church are the same building, we have to pray anytime we go to the church no matter the reason. Not a bad problem to have.

I always love hearing about the adventures that they have together, and I hope when she's older she's still just as crazy about him. There's nothing more attractive than my man being a great father.

Sorry to brag on Bryan again, but how can you deny this face?

Thanks for reading; see ya soon!

Now that football has come to a not-so-exciting close it's time to focus on more important things... Thunder basketball!

Last night I realized exactly how consumed my family is with our team. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or if we look the goofy Raiders fans who paint up and wear spikes to every game.

To kick start the evening Izzy ran into the living room proclaiming how she was "tall like KD" because she could finally reach her light switch. I said "wow you really are big like KD" to which she replied "no mom, I'm bigger than KD!" I'd say that's accurate she's roughly 38" and he's roughly 81". So they're definitely REALLY close in height. ;) I love how much she loves Kevin Durant though. Anytime there's a game on she HAS to wear his jersey, anytime she sees 35 somewhere she reminds us that's his number, and every time we go shopping she requests a pair of KD shoes, which they don't currently make in her size so we've settled on some Kobe's. 

She love her Kobe's because they're pink and purple (way to be a man Kobe) but she always reminds us that Kobe, and Dirk, are old and yucky but it's okay to wear his shoes because KD doesn't have any for her yet. She told my grandma last night that if she asks KD to make her some shoes then he will. So Kevin, if you're out there this afternoon reading my blog, which I'm pretty sure you are, my 4 year old little girl would really appreciate some KD V's in her size. Thanks!

The next reminder of how the NBA has taken over our house came about 2.5 minutes into the Thunder game. We joined a fantasy basketball league this year that one of our friends started. It's super easy and we're playing with some pretty fun couples (what up Fergs, Lessers, & Elliotts!) So each week we have to have our team picked by 6pm on Monday. Well my Monday was a little out of the norm and I completely forgot to set my lineup! Now this has really ruined Bryan and I's game rep a few times, and I wasn't about to let it happen again. 

So I quickly checked to see how many games all of my players from the previous week have this week. Luckily everyone is at 3-4 games except Chris Paul who only has 2. So I still have a pretty good shot to keep my 4th place status, which has been hard to attain. So CP3, if you're out there reading my blog, which again I'm sure a young man like yourself is because LA doesn't have much else going on, please go off on your  opponents this week and score me a ton of points. If you don't I'll have to rely on Lebron and nobody wants to do that. Thanks in advance! 

The final event may be the most disturbing. While I was cleaning up the kitchen Bryan was feeding Elly her bottle, but she was being really fussy. Sometimes she just wants somebody else so I took a shot at feeding her. She still wasn't having it. When I put her over my shoulder to try and burp her she suddenly became quiet. I thought oh she just had some gas in her tummy. So I cradled her and tried to give her the bottle again... nope not what she wanted. So I put her over my shoulder again and suddenly... silence. What was so great that it could calm a 3 month old? You guessed it, the Thunder game! Now I'm sure you're thinking, no she just wanted to be held differently, WRONG! To test our theory I turned so that she wasn't looking at the TV anymore and again the crying ensued. 

Okay MAYBE she really did just want to be held differently, or wasn't hungry, or is brainwashed but the point is my baby loves the Thunder even if that's only true in the minds of Bryan and I. So Sam Presti, if you're reading because you don't have more important things going on thanks for bringing our city a team that has fully consumed my family. If you're ever looking to get rid of some courtside seats we'll gladly accept free tickets. :)

I know this post made us look exactly like the crazy Raiders fans, sans spikes because they're not child friendly, but I'm pretty sure all Thunder fans feel the same way. So thanks Seattle, rise together, and fly on air congo because those who think we're crazy just haven't been thunderstruck. Did I put enough Thunder sayings in there? How about one more....Thunder up!

Now that the Thanksgiving tryptophan has worn off, we've cleaned up Christmas' attack on our house, and slept away half of the first day of 2013 it's time to get back to the real world. January 2nd was always my least favorite day while working because it meant that the holidays were officially over and busy season was headed our way. Now it's not fun because Bryan has to go back to work and I've really enjoyed spending the last week and a half with him! I'm not experienced in hangovers but recovering from the holidays can be pretty difficult. Who would have thought spending time with family, surprising kids with presents, eating yummy food, and not working could be so tiring? 

This time of year most people start to think about New Year's resolutions. I haven't always been a big participant in them but in recent years I have started to think more about things I want to do in the upcoming year to hopefully form better habits for myself. So I thought I'd share this year's goals with you guys!

1. To take more pictures with my camera instead of my phone. I'm always wanting to improve my photography but when it comes to snapping pics of the girls I find my iPhone is much easier to whip out than my bulky DSLR. 

2. To be more intentional about disconnecting from technology and connecting with my family. This is an all around struggle in our house, but I'm confident we can find a healthy balance of family time and tech time.

3. To drink less soda... this one might kill me. I am addicted to vanilla coke. It used to only be available at Sonic but now you can buy the cans, which really gets me in trouble. Plain coca-cola will never satisfy again! Bryan works for our church and every year they fast for the beginning of the year. I tried to think of something other than soda to give up and there wasn't much else that would be really difficult for me. So you'll probably hear lots of complaints about it for the next 21 days but I'm hoping I can stick to it. As for the rest of the year, I'm going to start cutting down my coke consumption but ordering water when we go out to eat... also not fun. Ugh caffeine why do I love thee?!

4. I'm determined to win one of the free Disney trips that they are giving away every day this month! I would tell you all to enter it as well but that'd make my chances of winning decrease. However, if you REALLY want the inside scoop *this* website may or may not have all the info for you. ;)

5. Watch the Thunder win the NBA World Championship. Thought you'd get through a post without me mentioning them didn't you? Not this time!

So what's your opinion on resolutions/goals for each year? Do you think they're stupid, do you always make one, are they even possible to accomplish? Answer the poll below and let me know what you think in the comments section!

Until next time...
