Picture from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/olympics/18663770
Yesterday marked a momentous day for our family, Bryan started playing in an indoor soccer league and I got to watch him play soccer for the first time ever. It's pretty weird to miss out on something that was such a big part of your spouse's life. Bryan never saw me cheer, act, or sing and I never saw him wrestle, play soccer, and be the most popular person ever. So needless to say it was pretty fun to watch him do something he loves so much. And of course he wants to pass all of that down to the girls. We're hoping to get Izzy into soccer this spring and if she likes it she'll be able to play on a team next season which would be so fun... and cute... and sad because my baby shouldn't be that old. 

I have to admit my knowledge of soccer is less than minimal. I know you need to kick it in the goal, yellow cards are bad, the time keeping is weird, and David Beckham plays. Speaking of Mr. Beckham, I'm pretty convinced that we are well on our way to being the next Beckhams. 

We have a few differences such as: 
- We smile
- We aren't rich, freakishly skinny, or have great hair (Bryan has a great hair, the girls and I have thin, do nothing hair)
- We only have female children
- I am neither Posh nor a style icon
- We don't have sweet English accents
- We've never been a part of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. (Still waiting on that call though, pretty sure it's coming any day)

However we do have some similarities, which include:
- David and Bryan are both incredibly good looking. 
- We like soccer
- We've all lived in America
- Victoria designs clothes, and I wear clothes
- They've probably met the queen, I was homecoming queen in Jr. High....

So as you can see we lead very similar lives. I just hope they're ready for a little competition. In all seriousness though it was really fun to go watch B Ket bring the heat, and I can't wait to see him score even more goals next week! 

Is there something you and your significant other haven't shared that was a big part of your lives pre-marriage? Tell me about it in the comment section!

1/28/2013 11:05:48 am


Lauren Haymans
1/28/2013 11:30:03 am

So sweet.


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