Welcome the newest addition to my blog, the photography section! I plan on posting sneak peeks of my shoots, family pictures, and other random photos in here. 

These are my favorite pics from the mini-shoot I did with the girls yesterday. It was pretty funny trying to get them into my wedding dress. Izzy didn't like the "jewels" because they "scratched" her too much, but she was a trooper! Elly didn't get much time to play in mommy's dress because she's been a very drooly baby lately, and we couldn't let it be another casualty of the slobber monster. I've always wanted to do pictures of them in my dress, and I'm so happy with how they turned out!

Hope you all like them; let me know what you think in the comment section! And remember, you can book a shoot with me! Just e-mail me at [email protected] or message me on my facebook page. (www.facebook.com/ketronphotography)

1/6/2013 12:45:39 pm

Taylor these are so awesome

1/6/2013 02:08:09 pm

Thanks Bethany! They're definitely some of my favorite pictures I've done of the girls.

1/14/2013 08:23:49 am

You can definitely tell that the sparkles were getting Izzy in some of them, but they are all so precious!!!!


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