This is long overdue, but I wanted to post anyways. :) 

Kelly & Brooke were such a fun and gorgeous couple! Their wedding was sweet and intimate. It was obvious that their family and friends were very excited for them to start the next chapter of their lives together. They were a joy to work with and I wish them all the best as Mr. & Mrs.

Be sure to leave a comment and let them know how awesome they are!
Here's a sneak peek of Kirsten and Kodi's engagement session from this weekend! We went to Hey Day for some mini golf. I was so excited to do something a little out of the ordinary that reflected a couple's personality. We were blessed with a gorgeous day with minimal wind. Which almost never happens in Oklahoma!

These two were so great to work with, and made my job really easy. I'm sad I won't be able to see their wedding as they're heading off to sunny San Diego to tie the knot. I'm sure it will be beautiful and fun just like Kirsten & Kodi. 

Congrats guys, and best of luck on your new adventure as husband and wife!

I promised a photography post today, and although it's late here it is! 

Cody and Chelsea eloped last weekend and asked me to do pictures for them. I was pretty excited because I've never been a part of an elopement so I couldn't wait for their big day! They got married at a really cool church in downtown OKC. I could easily do an entire photoshoot at this place! 

The wedding was simple, but I could tell it fit their personality. I know how stressful such an important day can be but they were so calm and ready to finally be married! These two are just plain cute together, and I can't wait to see where life takes them. 

Leave a comment to wish them luck, give a word of advice, or tell them how good-looking they are. ;)

Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Mosley!!

Last weekend Bryan and Izzy went to their first Daddy Daughter Dance. I thought it'd be fun to document her time getting ready and heading off on her big date. It was so fun to give her a day that was all about her.

When we told her about the dance she immediately started a countdown and couldn't wait to get all dressed up and go out, and now almost a week later she's still talking about it! We had family come over to see her, Aunt Hayley did her hair and makeup, and what dance isn't complete without a new pair of shoes. Izzy had such a great time going to dinner, ice cream, and the dance. Bryan said some of his best memories with Izzy were made that night. 

I think we've found a new tradition for the girls!


If there's one bad thing about being a Ketron it's that we all live in different places and don't get to see each other near as often as we'd like. A couple weeks ago Bryan's brother came to OKC to visit for a few days and he brought our nephew Cooper! Izzy and Coop are best buds and it's always fun to see the excitement they have about getting to see each other. I love that Izzy has such a great friend in her cousin, and luckily Elly will too because Cooper has a little brother a few months older than her! 

While we really missed our sister-in-law and baby Graham it was a fun weekend with the big kids. They played games, watched movies, swung on the swing, played soccer, and kept us pretty entertained. I snapped a few pictures when we're playing on the swing and thought I'd share them with you all. Enjoy!

We've had freakishly good weather this winter, and I just had to take advantage of it today! We have a perfect spot in our backyard for this little mini shooot. Elly loved getting to be outside, hopefully this nice weather will stick around for awhile and we can get out more! If we can get it to stay for a weekend I've got a fun idea for some pictures of Izzy tEnjoy my sweet lady and head over to and like our page. 

Welcome the newest addition to my blog, the photography section! I plan on posting sneak peeks of my shoots, family pictures, and other random photos in here. 

These are my favorite pics from the mini-shoot I did with the girls yesterday. It was pretty funny trying to get them into my wedding dress. Izzy didn't like the "jewels" because they "scratched" her too much, but she was a trooper! Elly didn't get much time to play in mommy's dress because she's been a very drooly baby lately, and we couldn't let it be another casualty of the slobber monster. I've always wanted to do pictures of them in my dress, and I'm so happy with how they turned out!

Hope you all like them; let me know what you think in the comment section! And remember, you can book a shoot with me! Just e-mail me at [email protected] or message me on my facebook page. (
