If there's one bad thing about being a Ketron it's that we all live in different places and don't get to see each other near as often as we'd like. A couple weeks ago Bryan's brother came to OKC to visit for a few days and he brought our nephew Cooper! Izzy and Coop are best buds and it's always fun to see the excitement they have about getting to see each other. I love that Izzy has such a great friend in her cousin, and luckily Elly will too because Cooper has a little brother a few months older than her! 

While we really missed our sister-in-law and baby Graham it was a fun weekend with the big kids. They played games, watched movies, swung on the swing, played soccer, and kept us pretty entertained. I snapped a few pictures when we're playing on the swing and thought I'd share them with you all. Enjoy!
